DeeDee's Fan Fiction Recommendations

I'm a huge lover of all Twilight related Fan Fiction. As old or new Fictions catch my eye I'll post a review and point you in the right direction.

There is so many amazing writers out there and some who are under appreciated, and some who have thousands of reviews. Please don't think that just because some authors have thousands of reviews that I won't recommend because that couldn't be further from the truth.

If you do read anything I recommend, please please please review and let the author know what you think, it means a lot to them. But please if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all. A lot of authors lately have been getting nasty reviews for no good reason. You have to remember that these authors put their heart and soul into these stories and they do it on their own free time and do it for free. And yes they do actually have feelings that can be hurt, so I cannot stress enough that you be nice. Constructive criticism is all well and good, but don't cross the thin line when it comes to leaving your review.

How To Save A Life by unholy.obsession Video Part 1

Mood Music



This site is for fans only. All these amazing characters belong to the queen bee herself Mrs Stephenie Meyer. All authors are just using them for there own pleasure and to give us fantastic stories by using them.

I will be recommending 'M' rated stories so please if your under the age of 18, you have been warned! As my mum always says to me "On your own head be it"

Monday, 18 January 2010

Chasing Cars by XOXOgossipgirl21

If your looking for a nice read that isn't overly angsty or full of drama then this is the story for you.

Bella in this story has kinda lost her way with her life. She gave up on college and works in a sweet shop. She lives alone and the only man in her life is her beloved cat Hammy. She smokes like a chimney and thinks she's perfectly content with her life.

Rose who's married to her brother Emmett drags her out one night to have fun...Enter Edward Cullen. They meet, drink together and end up going back to his place were one thing leads to another. The next morning Bella tries to leave and is basically kicked out the door by Alice, Edwards PA.

A few weeks later and Bella is left with something more than just memories of her one night stand. She has life changing decisions to make and Edward plans to be there every step of the way. But will he support every decision she makes.

There is an under laying love story in this story and Edward doesn't come without baggage and problems of his own. Just out of a marriage to an alcoholic and with full time custody of a his daughter who isn't biologically his to begin with. Both Edward and Bella learn a lot through each other.

Please give this story a try. Read and review your little hearts out. I promise its well worth the read.

To read Chasing Cars click Here

To visit XOXOgossipgirl21 profile click Here

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