Enter Edward, Emmett and Jasper. Rose and Alice snag their men but Bella doesn't. Edward keeps his distance from her and Bella believes that he hates her. But what is Edward hiding? His dream is to get perfect grades and get the hell out of Forks, but he's been hiding the fact that he's been attracted to Bella since the 8th grade. He fights with himself to avoid Bella hoping that if he doesn't give in then he can leave for college and never look back. If only things were so easy.
After fighting a loosing battle with himself he finally can't stay away any longer and the love story between our two favourite characters begins. But, Bella is hiding her own secret from Edward and what will happen when he finds out? Will he stick around to help her through it?
Now before you all think that Bella's secret is she gets pregnant...wrong! You'll just have to read it to find out what is going on. I've laughed through this story and I've cried too, and I can't wait to read what happens next! So go now shoo! Go read and review!!
To read The Resolution click Here
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Coldplaywhore has a total of 19 stories on her FanFiction.net profile, please go check them out, they are each brilliantly unique and you won't regret it!
Awww thanks for the love bb! :) You made me smile like crazy and I love how you didn't give away the big secret LOL. Thanks for being such an awesome reader & reviewer!! :)