As its only 4 chapters in we don't know which direction we're headed in, but I can tell already that this is going to be an amazing story.
Edward owns a book store with his best friend Seth. Bella visits every Thursday at 2pm and stays for two hours. Never once having uttered a single word to Edward. Edward admires from afar, he wants her but doesn't know how to approach her. However after 6 long weeks of simply staring he plucks up the courage to talk to her.
All I will say is at least read the first chapter and I promise that you'll be hooked! I can't give to much away because a lot happens in chapter one and I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But you'll be surprised at what happens.
To read and review First Edition click here
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OMG! I think I should marry you for all this pimpin! First Edition came off the back of a Fandom Gives Back one shot, bought by Bitemypillows. People loved it so much, and I had a hard time ending it, so decided to write more. I love bookward!