If by chance you're one of the few who arent already reading this then you really should. Bella is orphaned at the age of 8 and is placed in care of her godparents Esme and Carlisle. She is the heir to Cullen-Swan Enterprises and grows up with Edward and Alice. Now the reason behind the deaths of Bella's parents is still an unsolved mystery. All we know is that they were murdered and Bella's mum made her hide out in which she was found later that even by Edward and Esme. The people who killed Bella's parents were looking for something, what that is, is still unclear. But just because Bella is now older doesn't mean that everything reguarding that fateful night has disappeared.
Bella has grown up hero worshipping Edward. What turns from a childhood best friend turns into teenage lust and adoration. Bella really loves Edward but feels that its unrequited. But things start to change for Edward too. He starts to see how much of a beautiful woman Bella has turned into and he realises how much he actually loves her. Edward then sets a path of claiming Bella as his and won't settle for anything else.
But behind this very passionate love affair, we have Carlisle, who seems to not be who we think he is. In fact, in my opinion he's very shady. He's plotting at something big, we just don't know what that is yet. Of course, this is all theory on my part. Like the rest of you I don't know for sure what is going on, I'm reading as the chapters get posted.
This little ditty of a story has sucked me completely in and I can't wait for more.
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