So what's it about you ask?
Well we have Bella who has no memory of her life before the age of 17. Now years later after she's graduated from college she gets her first job as Edward Masen's PI.
Edward himself is moody and rude and trust me when I say for the first couple of chapters you will get serious whiplash from his drastic mood swings. But something gets revealed through later chapters that all is not what it seems with Edward.
Bella starts to have dreams and she can't determine if its actually her past she dreaming about. Edward seems determined to help her find out who she once was even though Bella doesn't want to remember in fear that something terrible happened to her in the past.
Its 13chapters in and more and more secrets are being revealed. I can't wait for more to see what else is going to spring up and bite these two on ass. It honestly had me hooked from chapter 1. So I implore you to go read it. More importantly please review it and tell the author how much you love it.
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